Heeeeey xD
This is Ushi reporting today!!
I am in Kyoto pref. now and would like to share my dinner experience!!

▲ This is the place I chose!

▲ Very relaxing isn’t it?!

▲ I love this atmosphere!

▲ Cheers!♪

▲ Goya chips!!!
Yes! This is an Okinawan cuisine!!! In Kyoto!!! Lol
This dish is so crispy and goes perfect with the beer!!!!!

▲ And this is 『Unibudou』!!!!
Very special ocean vegetable from Okinawa pref.!!!!
I am a big fan of the texture of it!!!

▲ Japanese omelet with Aosa!!
Its very delicious and wish badly to be able to prepare this at home……

▲ mmmmm….. looks temting…

▲ so I got it! xD
Its crispy and crunchy but inside the chicken is so tender and the spice to dip is a grate match too…….
This is very good…

▲ The last dish is Okinawa noodle!!!
The soup stock is tasty and I drank it up all xD lol
This made me wanna have more drinks but

▲ They have more than 100 drinks!!!
4pages long of the drink list!!!!

▲ I got Umeshu!!!♪
Wooooooooooo…. Everything was amazing xD