Good evening! Did you know that there are trams running in Tokyo??
‘Ouji’ is one of the places you can find it!
This is Nori reporting tonight by the way!!

▲ The trains across over the traffic light (Trams)

▲ As walked along the side of the Ouji station, I found one eatery indication “Aka Chouchin! (Red Lantern)”!!

▲ My favorite traditional looking!
It was a minute walk from the station and I really liked how it looked the entrance so decided to have a dinner here!
I am with my friend Mr. Yakara by the way.

▲ We are not good at selfy xD
As we entered the entrance, there were three customers at the bar counter so we were going to sit at the table.

▲ The tables!
The mama of the house told us to come over to the bar counter.
Why not then we shall take a seat there!

▲ We gave up on selfy.. lol
We chose two dishes!
『Hard clam cooked with Butter』と『Pork Okonomiyaki』

▲ Chatting with the local customers while mama is preparing the food.

▲ 『Pork Okonomiyaki』

▲ 『Hard clam cooked with Butter』
The Okonomiyaki is soft and nice! Very light and tasty!
Not at all too much flour and the volume of the vegetables is fantasitic!!
Hotate butter also tastes awesome!!!!! The combination of Hakusai and Hotate is just as grate!!! I dint know this match!
We are so lucky to have chosen this house today! The entrance already gave us an impression like “this place has a confident in the quality of food!” and we were never wrong about this! We are very happy to have been able to experience this kitchen!!!
Additionally the chat with the mama-san chef is such a nice hostes! This house has been here since 60 years ago and they have been seeing all the changes of the city so the mama knows everything how Tokyo has transformed since the end of the war! With her grate humor she analyses economy to politics and tell us what she knows. It is really fun!

▲ We had a lot of drink!!!
Thank you soooo much「Yoshino」! We had a grate evening!

▲ My train to go home xD