This is Ushi!
Today I have a small reunion party at a nice Spanish bar so i would like to report it xD
The palce we booked is 「HOLIDAY」!

▲ It is located in front of this little park.
The bar is this!

▲ Very nice looking, right?

▲ Let’s go!

▲ The atmosphere and the interior are very nice….

▲ Relaxing…..

▲ 90 minutes All you can drink, with 10 dishes for 5,000円(Tax included)
We ordered this when we reserved a table xD
Let’s start!!

▲ Cheers ♪

▲ All you can drink menu!♪

▲ 『Fresh fish carpaccio salad』
Their fish is so fresh as the owner of the house goes to the fish market every morning to!

▲ and『chef’s choice of appetizer』with『Bucket all you can eat』
Three different appetizers on a plate!

▲ 『Chicken liver pesto』
This has no strong smell and is very easy to enjoy!

▲ and『Fluffy omelette』!
Sooooooo fluffy as you can tell…. xD

▲ cutting in pieces and

▲ woooooohooooooooooooo(*^3^*)
Soooooo melty in mouth!
I am very impressed!

▲ He is the owner chef!
He was a chef in the three star restaurants in Spain and France!
He especially takes a good care about the freshness of the food.

▲ and『cabbage wok with anchovy』
So rich flavor and it makes my drink tasty!
Let’s drink more lol♪

▲ 『Rich taste shrimp ahijo』
The oil is golden color!?
Soon delicious with the herbal aroma!
We got a lot bucket to enjoy the last drop of the oil actually!!☆

▲ and the drinks!『Home made organic lemon cider』!
sooooooo refreshing and tasty!!!!
The taste of the lemon is rich and real!!!

▲ They gave us The lemon sour additive to change the taste as our preference and we tried it….
soooooooooo sour now lol but it is tasty!!!
We are super satisfied already but more food is coming xD

▲ yayyyyy『Japanese mussels wine steam』

▲ Look how large it is!
soooooo juicy and thick!!!!!!!
Its like oyster melty!!!
The soup is full of the mussel flavor too♪

▲ 「Too tasty,,,,,」said by him….

▲ so I got myself a glass of wine!
I super recommend this dish !!!!!♪

▲ 『potato flit』arrived!
The chili powder is nice with potato!
We ate so much of the bucket earlier with the ahijo so now we are totally full but!

▲ 『Chicken grill』!!!
Sighs…….. it is delicious with the balsamic sauce and lime…….!

▲ 「I want red wine now!!!」said by him…

▲ 『Mussel soup pasta dish』
Tooooooo yuuuuuum♪
Thank you sooooo much for this great dinner!!!

▲ We will come back!