This is HALOO!
Today I would like to introduce my favorite hidden place in Shinjuku!
It is located in Shinjuku sanchome and it has been operating for more than my age!!! Lol as my mom used to be coming here every weekend I know this place since I was little and I always like it xD

▲ go up with this elevator!

▲ Very homey!

▲ We can see the bar counter on the left hand side xD

▲ we walked through the bar and came to the table inside!

▲ Today its pretty calm.
Night is young xD its only 6pm.

▲ we got seated at the biggest table xD♪

▲ The recommended menu is on the wall!!

▲ like this!♪

▲ This was the Otoushi (small appetizer comes with the first drink)!!

▲ and this also!!♪

▲ cheers!!! xD♪
boys always take beer…

▲ Mine is Apricot liqueur with soda!!♪
This is called “Shinruchuu with soda”

▲ Green salad contains this much of fresh eegetables!!!
I Love all them so much!!!
The lemon dressing is so well with the fresh vegetables and I had it all!!!

▲ My friend assesses the quality of pubs by the taste of their potato salad.♪
That’s why he ordered this xD
He is highly satisfied with this potato salad xD I am glad lol !!

▲ Yakisoba!!!!!! Was so tasty! xD♪
And we made a little fight for the potion to share actually xD we both anted to eat more of this…

▲ We got more drinks!!! This is lemon with Shouchu!♪

▲ My friend got this for his beer xD♪
Many local people and the owner here are super friendly and we can easily make friends xD
When you cannot find a nice place in Shinjuku, this is the place to go xD