This is HALOO!
Tonight I am in the「Hobo Shinjuku Norengai」(Almost Shinjuku pub street) to investigate some of the seven pubs here!
The second house I chose is this one!

▲ Thai place!!

▲ 「Troy Kyoudai (Aroy brothers)」!

▲ Very Thai♪

▲ Good evening♪
We came up to the second floor!

▲ ♪
So good atmosphere♪

▲ cheerful♪

▲ We can see all the Japanese old houses where the seven pubs are operating♡
Inside of the house is Thai and outside is Japanese! xD

▲ But if you look up the ceiling it’s Japanese old house♪

▲ The menu♪
and the drinks♪

▲ What should we start with?♪

▲ I took『Whisky soda』♪ My friend got 『Draft beer』summer!!♪

▲ our first dish is『Kuushinsai wok』♪
It is Thai style and different from what we know of “kuushinsai wok” which is Chiese style usually in Japan.
This dish is very tasty!

▲ and『Rice noodle salad』♪
My best favorite Thai food♪
For my friend, it was too spicy and got wine to solve the situation♪ lol

▲ He says this helps a lot. lol

▲ Squid lemon gril♪
A bunch of onion lay underneath the squid and coriander♡
I couldnt stop eating the onion and got it all xD lol tasty!!

▲ The extra seasonings♪
They are very Thai♪

▲ Such a happy summer evening♪

▲ Foreign beer♪
We are so happy with this place!!!!!