Hello! This is Neko ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Today I came to rRoppongi for a special dinner♡
「HASSAN」is the place!

▲ It is an All you can eat place! A very luxury one though!
Shabushabu, Sushi, Skews and Crabs☆

▲ The menu

▲ The sabushabu sauce is Ponzu and Sesame!

▲ Wooooohooooooo!The meat and Crab!!
They are included in the All you can eat but the quality is amazing!
(*^o^*)Crabs here is enjoyable raw too!

▲ Much vegetables too♡
Soooooo nice☆

▲ Sea urchin Sushi♡

▲ Soon many! coz it is All you can eat xD Do you believe????

▲ and more Sushi!!!!
It includes the prime part of Tuna too!!!!☆

▲ and Skews too♪
This place is definitely amazing!!!