This is Chacha!
Today my friend from my village is visiting me in Tokyo so I am taking her to my favorite Spanish restaurant in Ginza!
The place is called「Espero」!!!

▲ This is the place xD

▲ It is ont the street called “Miyuki dori”

▲ The restaurant is located in the basement.

▲ The displayed menu

▲ The entrance is like this.

▲ This place won the international Paella competitions!!
The house is causal but serves authentic Spanish xD

▲ A lot of wine selections!
But since we are with children today I must not drink xD

▲ Cheers! With Ahijo!

▲ Paella!!!

▲ This is for two persons xD

▲ It is a seafood paella!
It contains a bunch of seafood xD The aroma of the seafood is just beautiful xD

▲ 『Acorn pudding』
woooooo… this is so special and delicious!!!!
We ate a bit too much xD it was all so tasty!!!!